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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Solutions to Maskne!


Lets talk about it, Maskne! Its the most common form of acne at this very moment. The majority of my life I have had relatively pretty clear skin. This pandemic has risen a new epidemic on my face, mostly in the areas where the mask would be worn. Acne that appears on the chin area can sometimes be caused by imbalances in your hormones and so its referred to as hormonal acne. The majority of times hormonal acne will disperse after about 2 weeks in my personal experience. Maskne is different its can be there for weeks and possibly even months if not properly taken care of. My maskne that developed was primarily surrounded by clusters of whiteheads all around the chin and lower region of the face. Rest assured there are always solutions to problems and this too can be fixed with the proper remedies. Here are some of my top solutions to maskne and you'll be surprised by some of them... but it works!

Solutions as promised!

-ACV! : aka apple cider vinegar is amazing at clearing the skin because of its antibacterial properties. You can take a shot of this mixed in with water before bed or you can make a face toner with apple cider vinagar and mixed in your favorite essential oil with some water and voila you have your self a face toner Sprits before bed and early morning.

- Tumeric! Turmeric has long been a remedy to skin issues. You can either start incorporating it into your meals or you can make a face mask with it. Face mask should be 1tsp of turmeric and the, dash of ACV and your choice of milk. Apply to the face for 10 to 15mins and wipe off.

- Start Steaming your face: people will have you believe you need to buy the fanciest new gadget in order to have effective solutions however steaming your face can effectively be done without all the extra expenses. One approach is soaking a small hand towel in warm water and then apply to the face and you'll feel so relaxed. Leave it there for a bout a minute or so. Another approach is boiling water and placing it in a bowl. This one you can get fancy with and place green tea in the bowl and allow it to steam your face for a few minutes. Steaming your face opens your pore and permits a more effective cleanse.

- Cleanse your face twice a day: This may seem a bit excessive but if you use a gentle foam cleanser it should not dry out your skin or be harsh on the skin. The air we breath today has so many pollutant inside of it and many times those pollutants will clog our pores. So even if you do not regular wear make up and are experiencing maskne, I would recommend this.

-Relax with the makeup: I know we don't want anyone to to see our horrible maskne so naturally wed like to cover it up. I've been there, I understand. The truth is however we don't necessarily need to wear make up since wear all wearing mask so why not take break from the make up and let the skin breath and have time to heal.

- Tea tree oil! : Its known for being antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory which calms the skin in full-blown breakout mode. Its also said to clear acne scars. 

- Facial masks: This one will seem a little more obvious but try masks such as the ones mentioned previously or charcoal face mask are excellent in cleaning and providing a deep cleansing of the pores. 

- Fresh mask: Lastly but definitely not least at all, wear a fresh clean mask. Please do nut reuse the disposable face mask they werent designed to be used that way. If your using a re--usable mask, make sure to clean it daily to avoid an left over oils or make up or even dirt that can creep into your pore and create another little pesky skin issue. 

Well as always its been an absolute pleasure sharing my best tips and tricks with you! I hope come by spring we can all have beautiful clear skin! If you enjoyed this blog post make sure to share with others who may need to this and don't be shy, comment or like or follow down below. I love hearing and interacting with everyone, let me know how these remedies work out for you!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Fat Burning Matcha Latte Recipe

So after discussing all the health benefits of Matcha, how could I not come back with a recipe for you guys? Every morning I have my Matcha latte. The great thing about this recipe is that you can have it all year long! For example now that its winter I enjoy this recipe hot , when it switches to summer, spring or fall I enjoy this recipe as an Iced Matcha Latte. I really hope you try this recipe out and let know what your thoughts are on the comment below! As always if your loving this content as I hope you are feel freeeee to follow me and share with your friends and family!

Simple Base Matcha Recipe!

2 tsp of Matcha Powder (Mix with water)
3/4 Cup of Coconut Milk
1 tsp of Vanilla Extract

Optional Add ins:

Sweeteners of your choice(Maple Syrup, Honey, Manuka honey, Coconut sugar, Stevia, Erythritol, Monkfruit sweetner)

MCT Oil (Supports Cognitive functions and feeling of Satiety)

Collagen Powder (Supports healthy hair, skin, bones and digestion as well)

Ice to make an Iced Matcha Latee for the hotter days.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Matcha Matcha chachacha! We love Matcha and heres why you should tooo!


Ok so get ready to join the bandwagon! Matcha is a million times better than the traditional cup of Joe. It originally began to be used in Japan for ceremonial reasons. Finally it found its wonderful way to the western culture and I couldn't be more thankful for it! Let me list some reasons why you should make the morning switch asap!

Health Benefits:

- Increased energy : Matcha actually has caffeine but doesn't cause the normal Jitters or crashes that are often experienced with Coffee

-Mood booster: Not much of a morning person, no worries matchas got you covered. Since it contains I-Theanine and amino acid found in matcha it allows serotonin production in your brain which in turn gives the overall happy feeling!

-Enhances Cognitive abilities: Increases the brain ability to focus, attention and even your memory. Matcha contains I-Theanine which when paired with the caffeine already found in matcha. Lets just say your boss will love you with you're improved ability to focus.

- Immunity booster: With the outbreak of the pandemic everyone is looking to boost their immunity well look no further! Matcha reduces the growth of viruses and bacteria in the body with EGCg.

-Guaranteed weight loss : EGcg also is able to allow the body to burn more calories which in turn promotes weight loss and promoted burning fat! 

- Detox: Matcha contains antioxidants and chlorophyll which in turn allow your body to detox from free radicals such as heavy metals and various chemicals that we encounter on a daily basis. 

- Alleviates Constipation : Digestion wise matcha gets things moving. Lets just say if you've struggled with constipation or your not regular prepare to be regular because matcha boost your bodies ability to digest its food by speeding up your BMR our your basal metabolic rate.

- Decrease inflammatory illnesses: Studies have shown that match drinkers have experienced improvement with inflammatory dieses such as Arthritis.

-Improves Oral health:  matchas ability to restrain bacterial growth you'll seen an improvement in your breath and oral health as well! Buh byeee bad breath

-Vitamin Packed! : Contains Vitamin A,B1, B2,B3, C, F and P

Don't think about it anymore just do it! Maybe try it out at your local Dunkin or Starbucks first and then maybe you can switch to preparing it yourself as a morning drink! Hope you can make the switch and definitely share the wonderful news with friends and Family members! Lets get healthy together! Well as always if your enjoying what your reading, Feel free to follow me or comment down below! Cant wait to hear from you!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Gut Friendly Soup!


 Following our Turmeric inspired Trend, I have to come with another delicious nutritious recipe!
This one is an absolute treat! Its a Detox Moroccan Lentil soup! Its perfect to feel cozy especially during the winter weather. Its a one pot soup and it aids in digestion and any kind of stomach issues you may be experiencing. Lentils are high in protein and fiber and not to mention how filling they are! So lets get right to it shall we?!

Ingredients list:

1 cup of chopped onions

2 tbsp of minced garlic

 3 tsp of Turmeric

 2 tsp of Cumin

2tbsp of Ginger

 1 tsp of Sea salt

1tsp Cinnamon

1 tsp of Black pepper

1tbsp of Avocado oil

2 cups of Water

1tbsp of Lemon juice

1/4 cup of Tomato paste

4 cups of Vegetable broth

1 cup Coconut milk

2 cups of Kale

1 cup of Red lentils


1. Parsley

2.Greek yogurt/coconut yogurt

3.Mint leaves


Prep Time 10mins/Cook Time is 30mins! Serves 5 ! Calories 204.

If you like what you see! Pls share with friends and family! Follow me to get all my new wellness tips and tricks! Comment Below if you tried out the recipe! LMK how it turned out!


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Tumeric! You NEED it!

Tumeric typically used in India as a spice but its medicinal properties are endless! Its active ingredient is Curcumin and the benefits list goes on and on. To list a few would be the following:

2. Neutralizes free radicals/ detoxes
3. Improve brains function
4.Reduces dieses of all sorts
5. Aids in arthritis
6. Aids in Weight loss

Soooooo how can we incorporate this amazing spice into our diet ASAP?

Well you can always add it to some dishes or mustard has been said to contain turmeric but you can also try a golden tea latte or various soups that include turmeric. 

Golden Tea Latte Recipe:

1/4 tsp of Turmeric
1/2 tsp of Black Pepper
1/4 tsp of Ginger
1 tsp of Cinnamon
1/2 tsp of Vanilla Extract
1 tsp of raw honey or maple syrup
1/2 tsp of Coconut oil/ MCT oil
1 cup your choice of milk but traditionally its Coconut milk

Nutrition Facts


If you're enjoying what your reading make sure to follow me, comment down below and let me know if you've tried the recipe and share with your friends and family! Lets get healthy together!