Greeting Beautiful Human Beings!
Today's subject of choice is regarding nutrition. Shocker, I know! Majority of us have heard of BCAA's before. BCAA's are branch chain amino acids. They're pretty important for muscle growth and development. They aid in recovery time and prevent muscle soreness. When implementing an exercise regimen, incorporating them into your supplementation is definitely worth considering. BCAA's are composed of three amino acids being Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. I'll insert a diagram below to demonstrate it a little bit clearer.
Now let' take a look at EAA's, means Essential Amino Acids. EAA's also promote muscle growth and lean muscle mass. Amino acids are the building blocks to protein. Protein is essential to build muscle in the body. By promoting muscle growth then you will naturally decrease in fat. This shift is what body recomposition is all about. In total there are 20 amino acids. They are broken down into 3 groups. Branch chain amino acids, Essential Amino Acids, and Non-essential amino acids. There are a total of 9 Amino acids and the BCAA's are included in the list. So out of technicality BCAA's are also considered to be EAA's. I'll insert a diagram to more clearly display this.
If BCAA's seem like a bit much you can always get the same amino acids in food products such as eggs, beef, soy and dairy. If you have food allergies to any of those supplementing may be a better route for you. EAA's will enhance your athletic performance and then in turn support increased muscle growth and therefor promote a more lean looking body. By supplementing with EAA's you'd also be getting the BCAA's so really its a win/win situation for you. These supplements have to be taken alongside of a workout regimen in order to see results. Some personal trainers will suggest taking these amino acids right before and right after your workouts to really see the "gains".
As always friends, that's enough "bro-science" for one day. Feel free to share this with anyone you believe this will be helpful to. Share the positive vibes, LIKE, Comment or follow me for more!
Peace friends! Don't forget to spread love and light everywhere you go.
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