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Monday, February 27, 2023

Healing the Throat Chakra

                Harmonizing The Energy Body - Chakra Anatomy - Throat Chakra - The Soul  Medic

Hi Beautiful souls,

Lately Ive been deeply inspired to discuss and even heal the throat chakra. The throat chakra is normally associated with the embodiment of purpose, truth, expressing ourselves, creativity and individuality. When the throat chakra is blocked you may feel a lack of creativity and communication. If the throat chakra is consistently blocked then it can manifest physical symptoms such as a thyroid imbalance, a sore throat, and even difficulty hearing. As you can see the throat chakra is essential for wellbeing. The chakra system is essentially the electromagnetic energy system that emit from the nervous system. There are 7 chakras and I will insert a diagram below to further explain easily.

                                     Unblocking Your Sacral Chakra for Confidence & Creativity (+ ...

Revisiting the importance of the throat chakra and how to heal it. There are several strategies that can be done for healing. There are several approaches that can be done. First Id recommend is crystals, ammonite is amazing for opening the the throat chakra. Ideally it should be placed by the throat chakra to do the most healing. A trendy way would be to get a necklace or a choker to place right by the area. I will insert a diagram listing multiple crystals or stone that can heal this chakra.

           Throat Chakra Stones | Crystalyze

Affirmations also are a great approach. Affirmations focused on healing the throat chakra such as 
"I communicate with confidence and ease" or "I feel confident expressing my mind". 
Affirmation are extremely powerful with EFT tapping and have the ability to alter your energy and shift it. It always helps you reframe your way of thinking which will take practice but with practice its possible.

Foods can also help you energetically and therefor you are able to clear energetic blocks. Blue color foods help heal this chakra. The throat chakra is represented by the color blue so consuming blue colored foods aid in bringing it back to balance and realigning the throat chakra.

Yoga is also been said to heal the throat chakra. Simple movements such as head rolls and gentle neck stretches aid with this chakra system. You can also extend your tongue and close your eyes and make audible sound as you release an exhale. 

As always loves it has been a pleasure to do this as an act of love. I hope it is well received and you are open to trying some of these strategies out. I wish you nothing but love on your healing journey. Feel free to reach out to me or connect with me further on instagram @lalaloveandbelively. I look forward to meeting with you all. Spreading much love and light! Goodbye friends!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Power of Meditation

 Meditation: How it can help with stress, longevity, relationships and more  | CNN

Welcome Sun Beings,

    Today I was inspired to further discuss the various methods of meditation and how transformative it can be for the participants. Recent studies have shown that we are experiencing a mental health crisis. It's clearly being seen in our society and our youths. We are living in a very different time period with various stressors so its becomes extremely important to become mindful and develop mindfulness practices to maintain optimal well being. In America it's very common for our bodies to be in a current state of stress if permitted. We all know how devastating stress can be on our well being and it can even potentially become an illness.

   Mindfulness is a practice that allows us to slow down and tune inward to asses what is going on. It also allows us to enter into alignment with ourselves and receive clarity along with calmness. Meditation is a mindfulness practice that strengthens our ability to be mindful and tune inward. Meditation also allows us to reframe our way of thinking and allows for new ways of thinking. Guided meditations are great at this. Meditations can be done at all hours of the day. In the morning, afternoon, or even in the evenings. To enhance the meditations I would suggest using headphones to minimize with distractions and optimize the practice. I will insert a diagram that further explains how to optimize your time meditating.

                                             Infographic: 10 Steps to Mindfulness Meditation - Garrison Institute

  I personally started meditating to ease my anxiety. Anyone who personally knows me, knows my mind runs at a 1000. Outwardly I seem calm but inwardly my mind races and anticipates what has to be done in order for everything to get completed. Since my mind works so quickly, mindfulness assists me in getting grounded. Now I use meditation to reframe my way of thinking and even to gain clarity on certain situations. I love meditating, it's so life changing. When done correctly it can be totally transformative. As you can see Im a huge fan of meditating and I clearly see the benefits of the practice. 

I will place a diagram explaining just some of the benefits below.

            Mindfulness Meditation: A Short Guide With All You Need To Know About It -  MindOwl

Okay friends that's all for today! I hope this post has inspired you to try meditation seriously. I hope you have fun exploring it and seeing where it takes you on your wellness journey. Feel free to share this content with those you believe it will benefit, follow on instagram @lalaloveandbelively and comment down below. Don't forget to stay lively! Peaceeeeeeee!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Crystal Healing

              Healing Crystals: Your Ultimate Guide

Hello beautiful souls,

Welcome to 2023 and a new year with brand new energy. I hope this year refreshes your soul and revitalizes you. Im personally working on staying true to my souls calling. Taking new leaps of faith and living more spontaneously. Today I felt inspired to discuss crystal healing. I personally use crystals on a daily basis because Im an empath and so I have to protect myself energetically. Empaths absorb many energies throughout the day and can feel other peoples energies within their own bodies because of this empaths are intensely affected by others energies. In order to create and maintain balance crystals is a form of protection. Crystals have been shown to carry and emit their own vibration which to us can be extremely healing to the body. This method has been used for centuries. It is a form of holistic healing.

Ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Sumerians, and Egyptians used crystals. I know there are a fair share of skeptics out there however as an empath I can attest that this works remarkably well for people who are sensitive to energies. I would actually only recommend it for highly sensitive beings primarily empaths to feel the full effects. It's very difficult for others to feel it's healing benefits since energetically they're not very attuned to begin with. For this method to be effective I would recommend specifically working with a Crystal healer for best result's.

                  Crystals for Empaths Rose Quartz Fancy Jasper Sodalite Red - Etsy

There are several more crystals than the ones listed above. If you'd like to try it out, you do not need to necessarily be an empath to use crystal healing methods. Personally Ive been working with crystal Amazonite to regulate my nervous system. It's also know to assist in opening your throat chakra and heart chakra. Ideally since those are the areas that it heals, it should be worn as a necklace for best results. Im really excited to to see the results of working with this specific crystal. I'll Insert below a description of the amazing health benefits of the crystal im currently working with.

                          Amazonite (Chinese) 6 mm | The Bead N Crystal & Enclave Gems

There are specific crystals that also can protect from negative energies and block them from you energetically. These crystals are black obsidian, clear quartz, black tourmaline, pyrite, black jade. These crystals are always important to include for energetic protection from negative entities or people with intense negative vibrations. Well I hope this was helpful and useful for you. I hope this opened your mind to trying out crystals in your healing journey. Feel free to comment down below, follow on IG @lalaloveandbelively. Stay tuned as I'll be posting more regularly. Be breezy friends and don't forget to stay lively!

Friday, November 25, 2022

We are Communal Beings

                                        The Benefits of a Communal Orientation | Psychology Today

Hello Beautiful souls!

Ever since the pandemic there has been an increase in mental health issues. So much so that it has been referred to as the "Mental health crisis". People who never experienced or had any reported mental health issues are starting to experience and show symptom's of mental health disorders. Some suggestion's to why this may have occurred is due to the isolation period we all endured during the pandemic. Which has raised awareness to the importance to community on mental health. It is said that human beings are Communal beings. This means that we thrive and survive while engaging amongst one and other. Once this stop' or we isolate ourselves it shows massive effects on our mental health. This would also explain why the most reported mental health issues have been reported in America. America tends to be more individualized society and it has its effects on our well being.  A blue zone is a place where it has the most healthy centurions. Most blue zones had a high reporting community based living. This means they had friends, neighbors, family, acquaintances that they engaged with daily. Most research has showed this has had its effect on the development of their brain health which may have possibly helped them to avoid dementia. As engaging in social interaction has positive effects on our brain health. Many studies have even showed that people who reported feeling lonely lived a reported 8 years less than people who didn't have such feelings. So what is considered lonely? Well it is said if you have less than 5 close friends or family that you could call for anything then you would be considered lonely.

Chart: Pandemic Causes Spike in Anxiety & Depression | Statista

So what am I suggesting? We need social interaction to keep ourselves healthy. It is important to find our community and "our tribe" that we are comfortable with. We are communal beings so we need to be apart of a community in order to keep ourselves healthy. Socializing impacts us and stimulates us in more ways than one. Primarily our brain health. Socializing improves our mood and it keeps the circuitry in our brains healthy. I'll insert a diagram to indicate how so.

Please see below

Social fitness and performance – Part 1: Impact on brain and overall health  | HPRC

So don't be afraid to get out there! Make new friends! Live, please live your life. There are so many people to meet and who would love to meet you. Let others in and see where it goes. Do it for your health, brain health, mental health and longevity! I only see benefits to engaging in social interactions, so get out there friends! I hope you enjoyed the post and feel free to share with whoever you believe this would be helpful to. Follow and share ! I wish you the best health and peace. Share that peace with the world.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Music Therapy

 Music As a Source of Healing: Drawing Inspiration for Medicine | Biomedical  Odyssey

Hi Friends,

Today's subject is music! Specifically the connection between music and your well being. Naturally this thought came after my sound healing post. As a young girl I have always felt very connected to music. I specifically gravitated towards songs and singing. I personally find singing very healing form of expression. Growing up I later found out I had "perfect pitch" by my choir conductor. To this day I still follow my musical pursuits and side projects. Definitely not singing necessarily but still following my passion in it. Upon writing my sound healing post, Ive also learned that in the holistic community music is found to be very healing. Many of us feel this deep connection to music.

Lalaloveandbelively began as a project for me to spread the word about holistic health but has now evolved as a brand. Lalaloveandbelively is now a brand representing life, love, well being, holistic health, events, community, exercise, dancing, music and anything in relation to being lively. It's a fun brand full of life so, its great to see how it in itself is evolving. Music is a huge part of the brand. It's interesting to see the correlation between music and how it causes stress relief and uplift your mood.

Health Benefits of Music PowerPoint Template - PPT Slides | SketchBubble

Music has the ability to instantly change our state of mind and mood and evokes emotion from us as well. Music is so powerful and it does have the power to free us from negative emotions. Music takes us to another place in a matter of seconds. Music therapy is many times used in somatic healing session's. Music is also used for sound healing sound baths. It has a great impact on mental health as well. Its pretty safe to say that there is a huge correlation between music and our holistic well being.

There are many various therapies that can be used for healing involving music such as 

-Sound Healing

-Somatic Therapy

-Music Therapy

Ive written about both sound healing and somatic healing but lets dive deeper into music therapy.

It is a clinical use of music for well being. It can involve listening to music, singing, playing instruments, songwriting, or even composing music. This is used primarily to reduce stress, improve mood and self expression. Contemporary dance is a great example of this display of emotion and self expression through music.

Contemporary Dance — Stories — HONG KONG DANCE MAGAZINE

So I really hope you try different forms of therapy. Music therapy is such a great choice especially for the more artistic ones. As always I wish the best for you and I hope you can spread the joy, peace and love with everyone that your encounter. Feel free to share this post with whoever you believe it will benefit. Follow on instagram @lalaloveandbelively .  Peaceeee! Until next time <3

Friday, October 28, 2022

Sound Healing

 Q&A: Roxie Sarhangi, Sound Healer - International Luxury Hotel Association

Hello there friends!

Today we are discussing sound healing and how it works scientifically. Sound healing allows us to shift our brainwaves to shift frequencies. Sound frequencies impact how we feel. Energetically we all have vibrations within us and we all vibrate at different levels. Sound has the ability to raise our vibrations. Sound has the ability to assist us to relax and enter a meditative state. Sound Healing is an ancient healing technique originating from Tibetan and Himalayan cultures. So the tonal frequencies allow us to bring our entire body into vibrational balance. 

Good Vibrations: Healing Power of Sound Therapy - Fabulous Arizona

Usually when this is being conducted its known as a sound bath. Now the way it works is once you go in for a sound healing session. You will lay on a yoga Matt and a sound healing practitioner will come in and play the sounds in a meditative acoustic fashion. Then you will feel yourself "bathing" in the frequencies as they are being played. This allows your body to go into alignment and reach balance or a relaxed state. Tibetan bowls, singing bowls, shamanic drums are all used for sound baths. Even though this healing method is now becoming popular, it can be traced back to the ancient Australians and Ancient Egyptians .

10 Powerful Sound Healing Instruments: An In-Depth Demonstration - Didge  Project

Sound healing benefits include maximum relaxation, clearing energetic blockages, it also supports emotional, mental and spiritual well being. I would definitely say to give this one a go and not knock it before you try it. As always friends have fun, live your life, share happiness and peace with all! Feel free to like, share and follow on instagram @lalaloveandbelively. Peaceeee!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Beauty of Embodiment

                       Duke University Box Office

Hi there my fellow wonderful human beings,

Back again with another subject. This time diving in deeper with Embodiment and its healing abilities for our nervous system. Embodiment is a form of Somatic Therapy. Somatic therapy is a holistic approach towards healing. To dive deeper into Somatic healing or therapy, you can refer to the previous post that was all about it. Embodiment explores the connection between our body, mind and energy (emotions). Embodiment is used as a tool for mental health and recovering from trauma or even working through difficult emotions.

I will insert a diagram below that will illustrate how embodiment works.

Institute of Embodied Psychotherapy CPD Training & Events / London

Embodiment is remarkable therapy that allows us to connect to our bodies and truly feel the sensation we are feeling and provides a mechanism on how to cope with difficult emotions. It ranges from exercise to dance to yoga to tai chi to even seated meditation. It anything that allows us to mindfully connect to our bodies and the emotions and sensations we are experiencing. A prime example is when I experience anxiety, I enjoy going running. Anxiety is an emotional/energetic reaction to an experience that makes me feel threatened. To get the emotions or energy out of my body, I go running until I feel better. In this way embodiment therapy is commonly used for mental health or traumatic experiences. It is the more holistic approach which allows us to understand ourselves on a deeper level.

Contemporary dance is a great form of embodiment. Dance is a excellent way to work through your emotions and also allows you to remove the emotions/ energy out of your body. Music has been shown to have powerful effect on healing. The brain just lights right up. Music also aids in embodiment practices.

What Is Dance Movement Therapy? | Destinations for Teens | Teen Rehab

I hope this helps you in some way. Please feel free to share this post with however you feel it will help.

Don't forget to comment, like and follow for more holistic wellness. As always I wish you Inner peace, love and happiness & share that with the world. Nothing tops amazing energy!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Somatic Healing

                    Somatic Psychotherapy

Hello Friends,

Im here with another post. Today discussing about Somatic healing or Somatic Therapy. Somatic Therapy is an alternative form of healing for post traumatic stress. It is also know to aid in mental health as well. This therapy focuses on connecting the mind and body in psychotherapy. Somatic therapy is very different from traditional therapy because it doesn't just focus on the mind but it also incorporates the body as well. Traditional Somatic therapies include dance, breath work, and meditation for healing.

Personally I believe this is the best form of healing because the healing comes from within the individual. I personally practice these methods on a daily to weekly to ensure Im well balanced. Mental health has deteriorated ever since 2020 after the pandemic. My theory is because we are communal being and Isolating us....was probably not the best approach. At the moment we are currently dealing with a mental health epidemic. It is very difficult to find someone who isn't experiencing anxiety or depression. Traditional therapy is not always effective and the reason for that is because when we experience trauma, our bodies also experience  it. Those emotions or energy remains within out body. It is essential to get these energies or emotions out of our bodies for healing to occur. Somatic healing is all about embodiment and regulating our nervous system. This is where The mind body connection is so important part of the therapy.

I will insert a diagram below to explain further...

What is CBT vs. Somatic Therapy? - NC Center for Resiliency, PLLC

Somatic language is learning how to speak the language of our bodies to regulate it. I will use an example. In a stressful  moment when you are experiencing an anxious state. Your mind knows that it is worrying about a situation but there is no immediate threat. Your body however will react to the threat as it feels the emotions of threat. To your body it will react as though there is a lion in the room. This is why within your body when you are anxious you experience rapid breathing, palpitations, and a deep sense of panic and even crying or yelling. To calm your body down, you have to calm your nervous system down. In other words learn how to regulate your nervous system in a time of panic. This can be done through diaphragmatic breathing technique, shaking technique, dance, running. You need to move to remove these emotions from your body.

The nervous system breaks down into two groups. Sympathetic and parasympathetic. I will insert a picture to help illustrate this.

Differences Between Sympathetic And Parasympathetic Nervous System

Sympathetic is what occurs to our bodies when our nervous system is in stressful situation. Parasympathetic is where we want to get our nervous system to. Parasympathetic nervous system means that is is regulated. In somatic healing our goal is to get the body out of the sympathetic system into the parasympathetic system. Regulating your nervous system can be done through various means of embodiment. This allows us to reach coherence with out bodies and allow them to align and connect with our mind which then allows our body to regulate and get out of the sympathetic state.

                                  Embodiment Practices: How to Heal Through Movement

I hope you found this article helpful and informative! Feel free to share with anyone you believe it will help. As always comment, share, and follow! Spread love and light with everyone you encounter! Peaceee friends! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

All about EFT!

 Intuitive EFT Tapping Session - Inner Spirit Yoga

Hi There,

What is EFT? Why should you try EFT? Today we will discuss all about it. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. This is an alternative type of treatment for physical pain and any type of emotional distress. Many may have heard of this as "Tapping" and psychological acupuncture. Gary Craig was the developer of this. He believed that any kind of emotional distress is based off of a disruption of energy.

So how does it work?

3 Reasons Why "TAPPING" Will Be a Game Changer for Your Mental Wellbeing -  The Inner Shine Clinic

EFT focuses on Meridian point similar to acupuncture. Meridian points are also known as energy hot spots. This is all based off of Chinese medicine. Meridian points have the energy flow through the body. The belief is is the energy is off then this can cause disease. EFT uses your fingertips and tapping to balance the energy points to bring it back to balance. The theory is to balance your energy flow by tapping and therefor bringing your energy back to balance which promotes overall well being. This technique is commonly used for anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, immune system, stomaches and certain pain points.

An example is  "Even though I have this _________, I deeply and completely accept myself."

Here are the steps:

1. Think of the issue that is bothering you

2. Measure how this current emotion makes you feel 

3. Use your formulated sentence " Even though I have this __________, I deeply and completely accept myself."

4. Tap repeatedly using the edge of your palm below your pinky finger.

Use it in the following Meridian points:

  1. Tap on the top, center of your head. 
  2. Tap on the inside edge of one eyebrow. 
  3. Tap next to the outside edge of one eye. 
  4. Tap on the bone underneath one eye. 
  5. Tap between your nose and your upper lip. 
  6. Tap between your lower lip and your chin. 
  7. Tap beneath one collarbone (find the notch beneath the inside edge of the collarbone). 
  8. Tap under one armpit (about 4 inches below the armpit).
5.  Repeat if necessary.

Tapping allows our mind and body to connect through the meridian points. It allows your mind to understand that you are not in any physical danger and therefor allowing your body to relax and feel safe in order to release cortisol levels. This allows your energy to return back to balance.

There is significant evidence and studies that have demonstrated great success and the effectiveness of EFT. Try it for yourself! As always feel free to comment, share, follow for more content like this.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Managing Anxiety

 Anxiety Won't Kill You | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

Hi There Friends,

Anxiety is a word that I have heard a lot about lately. Living in today's society I believe it's hard to not encounter some form of anxiety. This society teaches you to always focus on productivity and move a million miles per hour. Majority of people are living on auto pilot, so much so that they don't have the luxury of processing their emotions which then transform into something much more. I myself, am not immune to negative emotions. I also have moment when I deal with anxiety and have to find ways to cope.

How to Manage & Cope with Depression and Anxiety

This post is dedicated to raise awareness to the various mechanisms that can be used to manage our anxiety levels. 

1. Go Outside- The sun, fresh air can reduce the stress hormone (cortisol) and promote Serotonin (happiness hormone).

2. Diaphragmatic Breathing- This is also known as deep belly breathing. Increasing the oxygen to your brain assists in your mind communicating with your body to express there is no threat present which allows you to calm down.

3. Meditation- Allows you to focus your mind and energy on one specific subject which is successful in talking you out of your current state and promoting relaxation and peace.

4. Physical Activity- When your move your body, you release hormones called endorphins which promotes the happiness feeling.

5. Shaking- Helps to calms the nervous system and get the negative energy out. It helps to ground you and bring you back to center.

6. Affirmations- A powerful affirmation to say is " I am okay in this moment" This affirmation works instantly for me when my anxiety is at its peak. It calms me down instantly. 

4 Quotes To Find Your Inner Peace – SWEAT

I hope this post is helpful, I know how important mental health is. I hope you can have great inner peace. Feel free to share this with anyone you believe it will be helpful to. Peace be with you friends! <3

Monday, August 1, 2022

What is Creatine and should you take it?

 Female Fitness: Creatine Supplementation – Fitness Volt

Hey There Fitness Pals,

In the fitness world and amongst training there will always be advanced supplementation you can take to enhance your bodies performance and take it to the next possible level as efficiently as possible. Supplementation is not always needed but it definitely does not hurt to implement it into your routine. If anything it can aid you on your journey. One in specific that has been wildly spoken about is Creatine. Creatine helps you increase muscle mass and strength so it'll help with performance at the gym. 

Creatine is a supplement that everyone can benefit from even if they are not currently training. This supplement is something that you can even take on rest days. The suggested use is 1-2 grams per day to maintain the threshold. You can go up to even 5 grams in a day to maintain it. Ideal time to uses this supplement would be an hour before your workout. On rest days or when your not working out, its suggested to take it in the morning upon waking up to replenish your body of it.

Id like to stress that supplements are not necessary for your weightloss journey or even your fat loss journey. It certainly can't hurt it either. So give it a go and see how your body responds to it.

Thats all for today friends. I wish you the best on your wellness journey and as always feel free to share and like, comment or follow me for more health tips. Love connecting and hearing from you guys. Don't forget to share love and light with all around you! Peaceeeee!

Friday, July 8, 2022

What are EAA's?

 Not All EAAs Are Created Equal - Compound Solutions : Compound Solutions

Greeting Beautiful Human Beings!

Today's subject of choice is regarding nutrition. Shocker, I know! Majority of us have heard of BCAA's before. BCAA's are branch chain amino acids. They're pretty important for muscle growth and development. They aid in recovery time and prevent muscle soreness. When implementing an exercise regimen, incorporating them into your supplementation is definitely worth considering. BCAA's are composed of three amino acids being Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. I'll insert a diagram below to demonstrate it a little bit clearer.

The function of BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) during sports activities  | Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Now let' take a look at EAA's, means Essential Amino Acids. EAA's also promote  muscle growth and lean muscle mass. Amino acids are the building blocks to protein. Protein is essential to build muscle in the body. By promoting muscle growth then you will naturally decrease in fat. This shift is what body recomposition is all about. In total there are 20 amino acids. They are broken down into 3 groups. Branch chain amino acids, Essential Amino Acids, and Non-essential amino acids. There are a total of 9 Amino acids and the BCAA's are included in the list. So out of technicality BCAA's are also considered to be EAA's. I'll insert a diagram to more clearly display this.

should i take eaas or bcaas

If BCAA's seem like a bit much you can always get the same amino acids in food products such as eggs, beef, soy and dairy. If you have food allergies to any of those supplementing may be a better route for you. EAA's will enhance your athletic performance and then in turn support increased muscle growth and therefor promote a more lean looking body. By supplementing with EAA's you'd also be getting the BCAA's so really its a win/win situation for you. These supplements have to be taken alongside of a workout regimen in order to see results. Some personal trainers will suggest taking these amino acids right before and right after your workouts to really see the "gains".

As always friends, that's enough "bro-science" for one day. Feel free to share  this with anyone you believe this will be helpful to. Share the positive vibes, LIKE, Comment or follow me for more! 

Peace friends! Don't forget to spread love and light everywhere you go. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Do you TABATA?

Everything You Need to Know About Tabata Training - Exchange Community Hub

Greetings Friends,

Today....were discussing Tabata workouts! So personally Im a bit biased. I absolutely lalalove these workouts. I find them to be so enjoyable and fun. I get a good sweat on but, it doesn't wear my body out.  The older one is, the more prone to injury you may be. So safety is so important while doing high intensity workouts. Majority of you, may have heard of HIIT workouts and the fat burning effects it has. I believe the majority of people participate in this type of regimen because of those fat burning effects. I personally have experienced feeling drained after the workout. I generally don't look forward to HIIT days so Im beyond grateful to have discovered Tabata.

20-Minute Tabata Workout - 8 Great Tabata Exercises To Try

So let's get into the nitty gritty of it all. Let's emerce ourselves here. Tabata is a form of HIIT (high intensity interval training). It usually is higher intensity for a shorter time frame. The reason why this is excellent, is because it allows for explosive energy that gets your heart rate up and then allows you an opportunity to rest before it becomes a bit much. This is also excellent for anyone who is injury prone. When performing at a high intensity, injuries are very probable. For this reason it is of high importance to ensure you are performing the exercises with correct form to avoid injuries and to receive the maximum benefits of the movement on the muscle group being trained.

9 Tabata Workouts For Beginners

So what's the verdict? Which one is better for you? HIIT or Tabata? Well it all comes down to personal preference in the end. The studies conducted have shown both have grand fat burning effects on the body. Tabata in the end IS a form of HIIT. I personally enjoy having explosive high intensity movements and a shorter time period of performing it. Both exercises do train the entire body, and multiple muscle groups at once. Both would be considered to be beneficial for the entire body and a time saver. If you enjoy a good sweat session and a challenge, these workouts will do it for you.

As always, I hope you found this informative and helpful for your wellness journey. Feel free to comment, share, follow or hey like it! Don't forget to spread love, light, and joy wherever you go.

Peace! Its been real! Much love! <3